Sharp driver mxb402sc
Sharp driver mxb402sc

sharp driver mxb402sc sharp driver mxb402sc

#Sharp driver mxb402sc code

If the code reappears call your service provider and inform them of the code that is displaying on the operation panel. Wait for a minute and turn the machine back on, first by the main power switch, then the on/off switch on the operation panel. Wait until the panel has gone dark and any flashing buttons have stopped flashing.

sharp driver mxb402sc

This allows the machine to perform and complete its power down sequence. When powering down the machine, first turn off the on/off switch on the operation panel. Sometimes the code can be cleared by turning the machine off for a minute and then powering the machine back up. When the machine displays an error code there is a functional problem with the machine. SHARP MX B402SC ERROR CODES Sharp MX B402SC Error Codes

Sharp driver mxb402sc